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martedì 28 febbraio 2012

International - by Marco Musso

Bonjour bonum mane καλημέρα good morning buon giorno buenos días guten morgen
be the smile in your presence
ser capaz de abrir
C'est ma main
que se extiende como un signo de amistad,
au besoin, à droite,
As a strong feeling
racchiuso in 任何情緒
pandërgjegjshme udhëzojë
bawat planeta sa magic,
和 in un brivido di würde
cruzando los mares de las personas
και τις αιχμές του συναισθηματισμού.
Ωδές e lasciati conquistare
da quella forza indomabile
che senza patria, ή το σύστημα,
in freedom to act
we over het algemeen noemen
amore love אהבה αγάπη amare maite lieben.

Milano, 28 febbraio 2012 09.33 a.m.

"Good morning"
is the smile in your presence
be able to bring up the sun.
It 's my hand
which extends as a sign of friendship,
of aggregation,
as needed, right, evolution.
As a strong feeling
contained in any mood
that unconsciously guide
with magic each planet,
and a shiver of dignity

crossing the seas of people
and peaks of emotionalism.
Listen and left to conquer
by that indomitable force
that without a country, language or system,
in freedom to act
we commonly call

Milan, February 22, 2012

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